How to Improve your Sales Engagement by Leveraging AI

Deloitte’s survey shows 85% of businesses adopt AI tools for economic gains. The study emphasizes that AI in sales engagement process increases revenue, efficiency, and reduces cost.

How to Improve your Sales Engagement by Leveraging AI

9 Ways AI Can Help Improve Sales Engagement 

Today, in the digitally evolved landscape, prospect engagement is becoming highly competitive. The ideal way to stand out in this emulous environment is through impactful sales engagement process by leveraging AI. 

This blog will talk about how you can leverage AI to master the art of sales engagement. 

9 practical ways AI is reshaping the future of sales engagement 

Your sales teams should utilize the immense potential of AI to develop a data-driven sales engagement plan. This simplifies both prospect outreach and conversion. 

Schedule prompt meetings 

Engaging with hot leads is the optimal way to get the best outcomes. How long does it take you to schedule an engagement activity after the prospect clicks on a CTA button or agrees to a quick demo? 

Prospect calls and meetings are significant sales engagement activities. And the best way to leverage them is through automatic scheduling. 

  • The sales engagement platform, such as Zixflow, offers both inbuilt AI tools and functionality to integrate with other scheduling software to take advantage of automated scheduling. 
  • Therefore, your sales representative can quickly plan meetings with hot leads, reduce manual errors and automate the entire process.  

In case of already blocked time slots, this sales automation tool can suggest alternative timing.

Importance of Optimal Response Time ( Source)

Bring your a-game on personalization.

Personalization is the secret ingredient for successful sales engagement.  

  • With AI tools, you can access large volumes of data sets from various sources, such as browsing history, cart history, in-app data, cookies, etc. 
  • With such enriching insights into customer behavior and preferences, you can create a personalized strategy for prospect engagement. 
  • Personalized sales engagement or interaction can be any activity, including promotional emails, product recommendation lists, sales demonstrations, curated lists of blogs, social media interactions, etc.
Personalization Benefits

Actionable prospect insights 

When leads or prospects browse your business web pages or generally on online platforms, they leave a long digital trail. With the correct AI tools, you can trace these digital trails and identify actionable insights to leverage them for boosting sales engagement activities. 

  • You can analyze prospect feedback, the reason for winning or losing deals, introduction times, the number of login sessions, demo or service requests, and general preferences. 
  • AI-enabled tools can extract accurate prospect datasets and transfer them to the correct department for appropriate utilization.

Appropriate sales prediction at your finger-tips 

Eliminate all the guesswork with AI-powered tools. With predictive core data analysis, get accurate predictions on prospects' future activities. For example, you can identify specific target users, when is the right time to connect with them over call, which type of emails has the potential to receive the highest open rate, etc. 

Therefore, your sales representatives can easily position target users and their requirements to strategize appropriate sales engagement activities

AI sales engagement platforms give you the opportunity to leave behind largely biased siloed data. This reduces the chances of countless wrong assumptions, missed opportunities, and conversions. 

Align sales with marketing 

One of the most effective benefits of AI-powered sales engagement is bridging the gap between sales representatives and marketing teams through powerful integrations.  

  • Ideally, the marketing team should focus on lead generation while sales representatives deal with converting those captured leads. 
  • With AI-powered sales engagement platforms such as Zixflow, you can create consolidated dashboards encompassing essential prospect metrics. 
  • Such dashboards can give your sales team an end-to-end view of prospect response to marketing activity and gain better insights about their preferences. 

Thus you can easily eliminate departmental silos and align your marketing and sales teams for higher sales engagement.

Identify the reason for losing deals. 

Regardless of the industry, sales engagement is becoming a highly competitive realm. And to succeed in any market, businesses need to identify the reason for losing deals, leads going cold, or prospects dropping out of the sales funnel. 

For example, you are an educational institution providing skill development courses. But in many cases, you're finding the pricing structure is the primary reason to lose sales. 

In such cases, you can reach out to cold leads or lost prospects during promotional offers or after a tie-up with financing entities. Reactivate them with a warm and informative personalized message.  

AI can help determine and filter the various types of leads that you can reach out to and make the entire reactivation process streamlined.

Reasons For Losing A Deal

Reach more leads

If you want your business to succeed and remain stable in the highly competitive market, you need to adopt futuristic approaches for experimenting with new technologies and reconsidering your standard traditional practices. 

With an AI-powered sales engagement platform, you can capture and interact with leads quickly through automated workflows

Select the right engagement channels

One of the most fundamental benefits of AI-powered sales engagement platforms is their intelligence capabilities. 

  • You can use the AI features to quickly track all your engagement activities, such as calls, emails, social media messaging, demo presentations, etc., to identify what is working for your business and what isn't. 
  • You can also identify the reason why some engagement channels or sales interactions aren't performing well. For example, sometimes, the timing of sending an email or a particular subject line might be the reason behind the failure of an email engagement. 
  • By rectifying the reason for failure, you can instantly get better outcomes through his engagement activities.  
  • Sometimes, the rectifications are beyond business capabilities. In such cases, you can divert your finances and efforts to the channels which are performing best with the existing strategies. 

AI-powered tools consider several factors, such as the mediums, frequency, buyer journey phase, and content of your prospect interaction activity, to inform you of the best engagement channels. 

Lead scoring with conversational analytics 

Leverage AI-enabled conversational analytics tools to perform lead scoring. You can have several leads in the sales pipeline

However, a more practical approach is nurturing prospects with high purchase intent. 

  • In this exceedingly competitive digital sales landscape, you can't afford to spend your valuable time with prospects having low purchase intent. 
  • A conversational analytics tool utilizes AI to conduct lead scoring of your prospects. It analyzes your SDRs' conversations with the prospects and their response behavior to identify their intent, objections, and other expectations accurately. 

Therefore, it becomes simpler for your team to segregate high-intent and low-intent leads and align your sales engagement strategy accordingly.

Adapt, improvise & overcome sales engagement challenges with AI 

2023 will see a decline in reliance on third-party data and cookies to craft a more personalized prospect experience. Instead, this year will encounter more on using AI-driven personalization and automation tools to drive a more human-centric approach. 

Zixflow enables you to leverage AI through various integrations and functionalities. You can provide the right content and offer while customizing everything for a personalized and seamless engagement journey. 

When you prioritize quality experiences, you'll surely emerge victorious!

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